Saturday, August 29, 2009

David edits LIFE letters

August 6, 2009

Hi All,

I've taken the liberty of sending the attached to you all, it's one of my favourite profiles of David.

I've also several of his stories and plays, David and I shared a love of literature (we met with him trying to convince me to join the science fiction book club when I was 18, him 17), if any one would like I'm happy to share.

I don't know how to ever fill the void that is being left with David's passing, he will be sorely missed.

Joy Remuzzi

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the letters editor for Life Magazine-phase of David's life. I remember it well. Thanks for sharing the clip and dredging up pleasant old memories.

    Jeff Seiken (using wife Liz Marshall's email account)
