Sunday, September 20, 2009

David and his blinds

August 22, 2009

Just wanted to share this. I've been contributing to a new website for New York City homeowners, called Brick Underground, and they've arranged for this small bit to appear, featuring my mention of David and his window blinds (link below). Many of you are familiar with the David window blind story, and it is dear to my heart, since it is how I came to be back in touch with David after having lost track of him years earlier.

I do renovation design, and people are always asking me for advice about their homes. David had been trying to get his ancient, filthy, metal blinds cleaned, and someone (I think it was Anne) must have suggested he call me. We hadn't spoken since he'd given me advice for my trip to New Zealand, almost 10 years earlier, and I was pleased to hear from him. The last time I'd seen him was at the Rolling Stone offices, he was this up-and-coming entertainment writer and I was this up-and-coming art director. I went to New Zealand for a month (everything he said was perfect and true), and when I came back, my whole life changed and we fell out of touch.

So he asks me about his blinds, and frankly, it's a bit of a let-down. We haven't talked in 10 years and it's about blinds? But ok, I remember how helpful he was about New Zealand. Still, I don't have any sources and I'm anything but encouraging. I basically say, forget it, are you kidding? Break down and buy yourself some new blinds! But this is David, and he doesn't give up. Two weeks later he calls again, totally excited--he found some crazy Israeli guy to come clean his blinds!

Of course, David being David, we kept talking, and made a date to meet up. That's when I found out what he'd been up to all that time, taking care of his dad and how his life had also totally changed, that he'd realized he was celiac, etc. It was great to see him again and we went, after that, to see The Wizard of Oz outdoors at Brooklyn Bridge park, one of my favorite nights with David ever. So began David's tradition of riding me home, far out of his way, on the subway. He was so gallant. That was a summer night 4 years ago, and I'm lucky to have had 4 solid years of wonderful cultural events, nights out, and long talks with David.

And - I still recommend that crazy Israeli blind-washing guy to clients all the time!

Clare Donohue

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